Dyslexia Therapy

Before We Begin

Phone Consulation

After you get in touch with us, we will set up a complimentary phone consultation to discuss your child's strengths and needs, as well as the goals you have for them.  If you have any specific feedback from school such as report cards or assessments, you are welcome (but not required) to provide those to us via email to reference during the call.  As a team (parent plus instructor), we will determine if our tutoring services will be a good fit for your child.

Schedule Sessions

Once we've decided that our services are a good fit for your child, we will determine a mutually agreeable schedule. The dyslexia therapy program used is designed to be implemented 4 days per week for 60 minutes per session.

What does a session look like?

First SessionS: Getting to know the reader

The first few sessions will be used as an opportunity to get to know your child and assess your child's current skill level.  We will begin with a "getting to know you" game to help your child feel comfortable with his/her instructor.  Then, we will be completing a literacy assessment to better understand your child's strengths and areas of need.

A Typical Session

Of course, since sessions are specifically designed to meet each student's individual needs, no two sessions are exactly the same.  However, sessions will often follow a typical pattern from week to week.  In general, a typical dyslexia therapy session is 60 minutes in length. During the session, your child will be guided through a discovery of new concepts and applied practice, including both decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling).  Skills practiced include: phonological awareness , alphabet, phonics, spelling, fluency, morphology, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing in response to a text.

Monitoring progress

progress reports

We will monitor progress using assessment techniques on a regular basis.  A written report with the results of these assessments will be provided to you for your information and records upon request.


In addition to the progress reports provided, instructors are available to parents to discuss student progress during the last few minutes of the session. Instructors are also available via phone and email if a longer discussion is necessary.  We believe strongly in communicating openly and often with families to ensure that your child is getting the best experience possible!